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The Magic Wands of Lock Picking (VIDEO)

The Magic Wands of Lock Picking (VIDEO)

Chris Dangerfield |

Hello Agent X

Raking is a lock picking technique that takes the work and effort out of single pin picking. Rather than deal with all the pins individually, Raking works them all simultaneously, meaning it's ideal for beginners, and will get results, fast.

Dangerfield Polaris Lock Rakes

Dangerfield Polaris Rakes - The most Comprehensive and State-of-The-Art Lock Rakes available.

As with normal lock picking the tension wrench is inserted first, and a little (very light) pressure applied. This causes a little 'ledge' to appear inside the lock. We call this the 'shearline'. Lock Picking relies on getting the split pins in the lock to rest on the shearline.

Our 'PRAXIS' set has many dedicated Rakes.

Once the tension tool is inserted with a small amount of pressure, the rake is inserted. From there, there's a variety of ways of 'raking' the lock. In the video below I look at two of the many Raking techniques available.

 HIGH TECH Computer Generated Rakes Opening a Lock.

In a future blog I'll look at some other raking techniques, but in the meantime don't be afraid to experiment yourself. With a set of rakes and some locks you'll be surprised how quickly you can become excellent!

Polaris Nano Lock Rake Set

Dangerfield Nano Lock Rakes. An exquisite set of covert EDC Rakes

 Watch these two Raking techniques, and give it a go! You'll definitely surprise yourself.



Now the best bit – we have a load of AMAZING NEW RAKES. On top of our usual range of rakes, we’ve added some of the most successful and simple to use rakes I have ever seen. I have linked you to a few below, and if you’re quick, you’ll get them at our CURRENT SALE prices. We can’t keep them this low forever though, so maybe have a look – quick, no one’s looking, treat yourself.....


You can see LOADS of our Rakes in one section HERE. Or...



High Tech Rakes

Wave Rakes


EDC B-Rakes


Kwick Pick

Best of luck, stay legal, have fun and open locks!

Chris Dangerfield