
Dangerfield 'Real World' Brushed Metal Practice Locks for lock pickers - Medium to Hard

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Dangerfield High Quality 'Real World' Practice Locks for Lock pickers

The Dangerfield set of three beautiful, high tolerance, fine metal, real world practice locks - upgrade your skills and tackle this intermediate/advanced adult puzzle set!

This is a unique set for lock pickers who want to challenge themselves and keep going with hours of engagement, problem solving, and entertainment!

If you're over the cut-away and clear lock level and want to develop your skills to tackle 'real world' locks, the ones in actual use out there - this exquisite set is for you.

As lock pickers, who have been picking locks for decades, we know exactly what's required when manufacturing the ideal locks so you can develop your skills into real world lock picking.

Many people are great at picking clear and cut-away locks, but stop there. That's fine, if that's all you want. But based on the hundreds of messages I get every week, people want to take the next step, and be able to practice on real, high quality locks, that will give them the skills required for real world lock picking. Skills that can be transferred into locksmithing, competition picking, emergency picking, etc.

The quality and attention that has gone into creating this fine balance of carefully crafted, beautifully finished locks is exactly what's required to move your practice to the next level; Improving your understanding of feedback, recognizing changes in tension, and identifying the binding pin.

Essentially, what makes a lock 'better' are the manufacturing tolerances. The higher the tolerances, the better made the lock and the harder it is to pick. There are occasional exemptions, but lower tolerances are more forgiving, higher tolerances require more precise tensioning, more subtle interpretation of feedback, and a higher general lock picking ability.

These high-tolerance locks, complete with security pins (spool and double-spool) have been designed and manufactured by us, to provide the you with exactly what's required to develop your dexterity and skills in the places it matters. Learn how to pick these, you'll be ready for real-world lock picking.

  • High Tolerance Locks - Learn how real world locks respond to picks
  • Quality Build - Develop tensioning skills only real locks can provide
  • High Spec Mechanisms - The binding pin principle in it's full glory
  • Full Housing - Learn to interpret feedback when everything's hidden
  • Security Pins - Understand how to identify spool + double spool pins

This set comprises of:

  • A polished practice lock (brass finish, normal pins in the lock) + key
  • A polished silver practice lock with slightly harder spool pins + key
  • A polished brass practice lock with spool + double spool + key
  • All in a slick and stylish presentation box

As always, we also provide a great selection of videos and guides on our website to help you in your lock picking journey!

Whether you want to improve your lock picking, you're after a series of great practical puzzles or just something to keep your brain active - this advanced practice lock bundle is ideal and can be winging its way over to you shortly.

These are high specification locks, with the build quality, tolerances, and design features of branded locks. Were you to buy branded locks of this quality individually, you can expect to pay at least twice as much as our price.

The development of all Dangerfield items draws on expert and world champion lock picking friends from all around the world. Over one hundred years of lock picking experience went into the design of these locks so you know you have the perfect locks for the next stage of your non-destructive entry journey.

These are high quality, high tolerance locks that will train your brain, improve your lock picking, and keep you engaged for hours on end. We highly recommend these to continue your path to lock picking genius!

- Chris

If you're looking for a great set of picks to go with this, try our collection of best selling lock picks.

Here's a great blog about Different Types of Practice Lock which looks at clear, cut-away, re-pinnable locks, and everything else you need to know.

If you're looking for a great set of picks to go with this, try our collection of best selling lock picks.

Here's a great blog about Different Types of Practice Lock which looks at clear, cut-away, re-pinnable and everything else you need to know.

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